

DebCamp HalfTime

The DebCamp week (which is before the week of real DebConf) is half way through, time to give some report.

I’m staying at the Budget Backpacker’s Hostel, which is very nice: A newly built hostel, clean, sufficient breakfast support and funny guys at the reception. It’s only a few minutes walk from where DebCamp is happening, I just have to pass a witchcraft shop and an old church.

I’ve seen some parts of the Edinburgh old town by now, from walking around in the evening looking for pubs and from a walk up to Arthur’s Seat. It looks all very old and massive, like one large medival move scene. Since we get food at the university cafeteria (which is, I think, lower cafeteria standard), I could not yet try out the food places in Edinburgh.

I have started to work on the metainit idea: Creating init scripts for various init systems from small description files, where possible, but the code is not very far yet. Thankfully Urs, who I’ve met in Salem, met again at the GPN5 and who know studies here in Edinburgh, has helped me a bit. I was also forced by Enrico to give an unprepared, sponanious 1.5h talk about Haskell, which went well enough. The first gpg keys have been signed; if you take part in the keysiging party, you might want to check out my slightly patched version of gpgsig.

In the evenings we either went to the pubs (which sometimes do have bitter lemon, and sometimes not even Fanta), or played great rounds of Mao, or both. From today on, though, there is a room nearby where we can sit and hack all night, it seems, so this habit might change.


Your link to the darcs repo is broken (contains two "http://"-s)
#1 Eddy Petrișor am 2007-06-13T23:57:27+00:00
Thx, Fixed it. I was tired yesterday.
#2 Joachim Breitner (Homepage) am 2007-06-14T08:51:08+00:00

Have something to say? You can post a comment by sending an e-Mail to me at <mail@joachim-breitner.de>, and I will include it here.