The Caps lock key is quite useless, most people agree with me here. So I configured my system to make the Caps-Key a general control key: Caps-E starts a terminal, Caps-t lists my tomboy notes, Caps-Down selects the next workspace, Caps-2 selects the second workspace. For the workspace switching commands, there are also variants with Shift that move the current window, so that Shift-Caps-Down moves the window to the next workspace, Shift-Caps-3 moves the window to the third workspace and Shift-Caps-2 − does nothing.
At first I thought it was a misconfiguration, but upon closer inspection I found out: As soon as Shift and Caps are pressed, all keys in the line F1-2-W-S-X, as well as the | key are not registered, not even by the kernel, it seems. Is this some old legacy problem with PC keyboards, when the bits of a key code were hardwired in the keyboard? And is there a way around it?
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