

Xen Server sharing started

Today, I ordered a dedicated server for some friends of mine and me. We will split it up into 5 Xen instance, quite similar to Steve’s xen-hosting. Thanks for the idea! Our project is name serverama, since our hosts will be named after Futurama characters.

I might blog about the setup here, if I think it’s interesting for the general public. I can’t wait to get my hands wet in a chaos of RAID, LVM, Xen and virtual network bridges...


I for one would love to hear all the details, to see if there is anything "obvious" that I could do different in the future.
#1 Steve (Homepage) am 2007-09-05T09:08:24+00:00
<strong>Trackback:</strong> <a href="http://www.joachim-breitner.de/blog/archives/265-Xen-Server-Sharing-The-Setup.html">Xen-Server-Sharing: The Setup</a><br />
As previously mentioned, we are setting up a shared Xen hosting, and I promised to publish detailed setup steps. So here I will, but I warn you: I’ll just note down what I’m doing, and it might be confusing...

I’m given a rescue system (based on Debi
#2 nomeata’s mind shares (Homepage) am 2007-09-06T20:11:19+00:00
<strong>Trackback:</strong> <a href="http://leela.serverama.de/jenny/index.php?/archives/37-Hallo,-schoen-wieder-hier-zu-sein.html">Hallo, schön wieder hier zu sein</a><br />Vor einem Monat war plötzlich mein VServer tot. Über Nacht. Ein paar Wochen vorher hatte ich eine Email von meinem Anbieter bekommen, dass der Server "umzieht" und ich eine neue IP bekomme. Nun ging aber weder die alte noch die neue IP und als 1 1/2 Woc
#3 Pinnwand der Gedanken (Homepage) am 2007-09-24T23:05:04+00:00

Have something to say? You can post a comment by sending an e-Mail to me at <mail@joachim-breitner.de>, and I will include it here.