When I gave my “Haskell Bytes” talk on the runtime representation of Haskell values the first time, I wrote here “It is in German, so [..] if you want me to translate it, then (convince your professor or employer to) invite me to hold the talk again“. This has just happened: I got to hold the talk as a Tech Talk at Galois in Portland, so now you can fetch the text also in English. Thanks to Jason for inviting me!
This was on my way to the Oregon Summer School on Programming Languages in Eugene, where I’m right now enjoying the shade of a tree next to the campus. We’ve got a relatively packed program with lectures on dependent types, categorical logic and other stuff, and more student talks in the evening (which unfortunately always collide with the open board game evenings at the local board game store). So at least we started to have a round of diplomacy, where I am about to be crushed from four sides at once. (And no, I don’t think that this has triggered the “illegal download warning” that the University of Oregon received about our internet use and threatens our internet connectivity.)
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